LogIn | SignUp Home | About | Rules | Privacy how do i potty train my dog Post by beenismann posted 2 years ago
beenismann 2 years ago help
beenismann 2 years ago i am actually asking for help this dog is annoying the shit out of me
BayBunnyCat 2 years ago What kind of dog is she?
BayBunnyCat 2 years ago Sorry, bad first question to ask makes it seem like I don't know what I'm talking about.
  1. What kind of dog is she? (If you know)
  2. How old is she? (If you know)

This is just to know what her activity level is. My dog (half Chihuahua fourth cocker spaniel mutt) as a puppy had to be walked 2 hours a day to meet his exercise requirements.
In general I recommend getting potty training mats that are scented to make dogs want to pee on it, put them in the spots she likes to pee in and slowly over a week move them towards the door, then set them outside. I'd also recommend looking up Cesar Millan videos on this because he's an expert (there's a reason he's had 15 tv shows but he started out making small home videos and worked his way up, he knows his shit and owns like 50 dogs on a dog ranch)